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5 must-try millet dessert recipes for a guilt-free sweet treat

Tired of the same old meals and looking to spice things up with something tasty and healthy? It’s time to give millets a try! These nutrient-rich, gluten-free grains are the perfect swap for wheat, rice, and refined flour, offering both variety and health benefits. While millets might seem a bit challenging to bake with due to their binding properties, don’t let that hold you back. There’s a whole world of creative millet dishes just waiting to be discovered. To get you started, we’ve compiled the top 5 millet recipes that will transform your meals into something truly special! (Also read: Kickstart your mornings: Try these wholesome smoothie recipes for a healthier start to your day )
(Recipe by Chef Sanjeev Kapoor)
¼ cup kodo millet
4 cups milk
2 tbsps ghee
1½ tbsps charoli
1 tbsp finely chopped pistachios
1 tbsp finely chopped almonds
1 tbsp finely chopped cashew nuts
¼ cup sugar
A large pinch of nutmeg powder
¼ tsp green cardamom powder
Blanched, peeled, and slivered pistachios for garnish
Saffron strands for garnish
1. Bring milk to a boil in a deep non-stick pan. Continue to cook for 3-4 minutes.
2. Heat 1 tbsp ghee in a non-stick shallow pan. Add charoli, pistachios, almonds, and cashew nuts and saute for 1-2 minutes. Transfer on a plate.
3. Heat remaining ghee in the same pan, add the kodo millet and saute for 2-3 minutes. Transfer this into the boiling milk and mix well. Cook for 10-12 minutes while stirring in between.
4. Add sugar, mix and cook till the sugar melts. Add nutmeg powder, green cardamom powder, and roasted nuts and mix till well combined. Cook for 1-2 minutes.
5. Transfer the kheer in a serving bowl, garnish with blanched pistachios, and saffron strands.
(Recipe by Chef Sanjeev Kapoor)
1 cup barnyard millet
4 tbsps ghee
7-8 cashew nuts
12-15 raisins
¾ cup jaggery
½ tsp green cardamom powder
1. Heat2 tbsps ghee in a non stick pan, add cashew nuts and raisins, sauté until golden brown in colour. Set aside.
2. In the same pan add millet and roast until golden brown in colour. Add 2 cups water and let it come o boil, cover and cook till done.
3. Add jaggery and cook till the jaggery melts. Add ghee, half of the fried nuts and green cardamom powder, mix well.
4. Serve hot garnished with fried nuts.
(Recipe by Chef Sanjeev Kapoor)
¾ cup multi-millet flour
¾ cup oats, powdered
18-20 seedless dates, roughly chopped
1½ cups milk
1 tsp vanilla essence
¼ cup honey
⅓ cup oil
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
A pinch of salt
Coffee to serve
1. Take dates in a bowl, add milk and set aside to soak for 2-3 hours.
2. Preheat the oven at 180ºC.
3. Put the soaked dates along with milk in a blender jar and blend to a smooth mixture. Transfer this into a large bowl, add vanilla essence, honey, and oil and beat with an electric beater till well combined.
4. Sift the multi-millet flour, powdered oats, baking powder and baking soda directly into the bowl. Add salt and gently fold the mixture till well combined.
5. Transfer the batter into a greased and dusted 6 inch cake tin. Place it in the preheated oven and bake for 40-45 minutes.
6. Take the cake out of the oven and allow to cool room temperature. De-mould the cake and cut into wedges. Serve with coffee.
(Recipe by Chef Sanjeev Kapoor)
1 cup little millet flour
3 ripe bananas
½ tsp vanilla essence
½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp cinnamon powder
½ cup milk
Butter as required
Berry compote as required
Banana slices as required
1. Peel and mash bananas in a bowl.
2. Add vanilla essence. Sift little millet flour, baking powder and cinnamon powder directly in the bowl.
3. Add milk and whisk well to form smooth batter.
4. Brush a cast iron pan with some butter and spread a ladleful of batter, cook for 2-3 minutes.
5. Flip, apply some more butter and cook for 2-3 minutes more.
6. Transfer on a serving plate, drizzle some berry compote and serve with banana slices.
¾ cup little millet
3 cups milk
10-15 saffron strands + for garnish
2-3 tbsps slivered almonds
2-3 tbsps blanched and slivered pistachios + for garnish
½ tsp green cardamom powder
½ cup sugar
1. Take little millet in a bowl, add sufficient water and wash 2 times.
2. Add more water and set aside for 15-20 minutes.
3. Heat a non-stick pan. Add milk, saffron and cook for 4-5 minutes.
4. Drain the water from little millet and add to the pan. Cook on medium heat for 5-6 minutes.
5. Add almonds, pistachios, green cardamom powder and mix well. Cook on medium heat for 6-8 minutes.
6. Add sugar and continue to cook for 3-4 minutes more.
7. Transfer the prepared phirni in earthenware bowl, sprinkle blanched pistachios and saffron strands on top. Allow to cool.
8. Refrigerate for 1-2 hours.
9. Serve chilled.
